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mindcultur. academy

mindcultur. academy mobile app first look

What’s MINDCULTUR. anyway?

Our mission is to empower you with real-life skills to uplevel your mental health, relationships, and finances. Here, you’ll find classes, resources, coaching, and a kick-ass supportive community.

Who is the MINDCULTUR. Academy for? Do I qualify?

While the Academy is geared toward young adults, people of all ages can benefit from these subjects. Anyone is welcome to join.

Education + support for foster kids & orphans

Part of our profits will go toward projects that help one of our most vulnerable and often ignored populations through scholarships, mentoring, and education.

Proposed curriculum

Education that extends
beyond the classroom

Subjects include:

Mental health literacy

You’ll learn about stress management, emotional regulation, and boundary setting. We’ll also teach you how to let go of “victim mentality” and self-sabotage.

Communication skills and conflict resolution

Lessons include problem-solving, critical thinking, assertiveness, and active listening.

Time management and organization

Lessons include coping with distractions, and detachment.

Personal Finance

You’ll learn all about money mindset and how to make the most of your money.

Inclusive no-BS sex ed

Everything you’ve always wanted to know but were too uncomfortable to ask. Inclusive means it’ll be specific to your needs.


doors opening soon